Do tell MUN if any of the text is too hard to read because of the background on any of the pages!

This is page has too much information for me to do it in chatroom format :,)

Trigger warning for abuse, alcoholism, drugging, manipulation and, guns/violence, attempted suicide

Saeran Choi lived only with his mother and brother for the first 16 years of his life. His mother, keeping them locked in to 'protect' them from their powerful father, would often abuse Saeran in a drunken state as he was the weakest between the twins. Saeyoung swore that he'd make sure they got out of that place together before they were adults, but that ended up not being the case. Saeyoung would often sneak out of the house and would have access to books or even food that he'd bring home to share with his brother- often having gotten help from a lovely couple at a nearby cathedral. This couple ended up being Jihyun and Rika.

While Mother Choi was meant to be protecting these twins, supposedly one of their father's men was often found watching at the cathedral where Saeyoung would go to. They had to turn to different means of protection, meaning Saeyoung was pushed to leave his brother to work at an agency where he could indirectly protect him. Saeran took this as abandonment, though he feared sometimes that perhaps Saeyoung was not alive.

Jihyun and Rika took over caring for Saeran, eventually taking full (not legal) custody of him before his mother's passing. With them, he learned about botany and photography. He was even able to learn about the things his brother told him about- like hacking. Soon, Rika became obsessed with his abilities and skills and pushed him to learn more about hacking, cutting off Jihyun as an influence in his life. Once they'd split and Rika was effectively cut off from the messenger in turn and pronounced dead by Jihyun, she took on the role of 'savior' and founded Mint Eye, a cult to 'save' the broken people and offer them happiness.

Saeran became Rika's pet, forced to take an 'elixir' that was supposed to 'save' him, though it only seemed to play a part in her manipulation and weakening him for her to control easier. He was forced to attack the RFA to steal their information so that Mint Eye might continue to grow, but Saeyoung caught onto him and set out to save him and take him home again. Jihyun made an attempt to save Rika as well, infiltrating Mint Eye, but that only lead to him being shot by Saeran- he was in a confused state and doing what he had to, to protect his savior. In this timeline, Jihyun managed to survive though Saeran didn't learn about this until later.

Saeran was put into a hospital after that until Saeyoung inevitably broke him out so that he could care for him himself. Without the right mental help, still confused and not wanting to trust his brother after being betrayed years before, Saeran made an attempt to kill himself. He failed, stopped by Saeyoung, and has since been getting therapy and trying to build a life for himself as he never had his own life before

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I've written so much for everything else that I'm just gonna make this easy- I'm Alex, I'm a minor, my pronouns are she/her but I don't mind masc terms and he/him pronouns either! I actually respond to several names, which you could find here if you need! That's just a link to my pronouny and I will keep it updated with my preferred names, pronouns, and any terms I feel strongly about, either positively or negatively. Though I highly doubt you have a need to know, I'm bisexual and single~ I'm awkward as hell but I'd love to talk so my DMs are open on both Saeran's account and my main ( @sparx_above ). As of now, I don't have any triggers to list or any 'DNI' criteria because I haven't had to deal with anything like that but that may change if the lack of a DNI crit becomes an issue.